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We Bust 3 Common Myths About Cloud Computing

We Bust 3 Common Myths About Cloud Computing

Are you still hesitant to adopt cloud computing for your company’s IT needs? For the cautious business owner, adopting new technologies isn’t a move that’s to be made lightly. However, cloud computing is much more than a passing fad. In recent years, the cloud has become such a reliable and efficient tool for businesses that it deserves your attention. Take for example these three misconceptions about the cloud.

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Follow These 3 Rules for a Problem-Free Cloud Migration

Follow These 3 Rules for a Problem-Free Cloud Migration

So, you’re convinced that cloud computing is the new way to go for your company. That’s great, and it’s an easy choice to make, seeing as the cloud affords organizations benefits such as increased productivity, improved collaboration, anytime/anywhere access, and much more. Now that you’ve decided to go with the cloud, what’s your next move as far as making this a reality?

The first thing you’ll need to understand about migrating to the cloud is that it’s a much more involved process than simply performing a single software upgrade. Truth be told, properly migrating your data to the cloud involves a lot of prep work, and, as is the case with other kinds of moves like packing up your personal belongings to settle into a new house, the better prepared you are for the move, the smoother the transition will go and the less of a chance that you’ll lose something of value.

ITProPortal provides some insight into what migrating to the cloud properly takes: “It involves a complex infrastructure migration process. Good preparation is the key to success. Those organizing the migration process should ensure that all data is ready for the move and that the company network has the necessary capabilities to interact with the cloud.” This is a major reason why you’ll want a professional assessment of your IT infrastructure before deciding to move to the cloud.

Preparing your network for a move to the cloud involves a few considerations:

Sorting and Labeling Your Files
It’s important to take the time to determine what files are worth saving and moving, and what files aren’t so you’re not wasting time and resources moving and storing old files that your company no longer needs. This can be a time-consuming process, but the work will be worth it in the long run.

Preparing Your Network Infrastructure
Migrating to the cloud comes with demands on a network that may require major adjustments to be made to your IT infrastructure. When migrating to the cloud, there are two major additions to your network you’ll want to consider; setting up a direct Internet breakout in order to distribute traffic across external networks, and multiple firewall instances in order to secure the various Internet connections.

Have a Migration Timetable
Even the best planned move to the cloud can take weeks or even months to complete. Therefore, you’re going to want to present your staff with an accurate timetable so the transition won’t interrupt workflow. One particular thing to plan for is how user settings will be migrated, like profiles, address books, calendars, etc. To help with this, ITProPortal advises: “Instead of moving all their data to the cloud, more and more companies are opting for a hybrid solution. This means that some users and storage locations stay with Exchange on-premises, while the rest move to the cloud.”

With all of your data successfully migrated, you will next want to consider strengthening security, archiving, and data backup in order to fully prepare your organization for the unique challenges of cloud computing. Rest assured, Britek Solutions is here to assist you with any challenges your organization faces as you operate within your new cloud environment, as well as to help you through every step of your cloud migration process. Reach out to us at (954) 560-8145 for any IT assistance that you require.

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Where You Store Your Data Makes a Big Difference

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_storage_400.jpgBusinesses have a lot of data that they need to access on a daily basis. However, where this data is stored can have a dramatic effect on your organization’s productivity. Whether it’s stored in the cloud, locally on your in-house server, or in a safe and secure data center, you need to know where your data is stored, and what purpose it holds for your business.

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4 Great Ways Your Business Can Use Cloud Computing in 2016

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_computing_400.jpgThe cloud might be a great new data storage resource for SMBs to get more done during the workday, but it’s far more than that. Uses for the cloud are constantly evolving to adapt to a shifting online environment, and it’s now an indispensable tool for the serious modern business. The cloud is changing the way businesses handle their data and information, but it can do so much more.

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3 Ways the Cloud Gets Better in 2016

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_computing_solutions_400.jpgCloud services are growing more common to the world of small and medium-sized businesses, to the point where almost all businesses take advantage of the cloud in some way, shape, or form. However, a business’s specific cloud needs vary, and the same solution doesn’t work for everyone. Still, there are a few notable qualities that most SMBs want for their cloud in 2016.

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Recent Study Shows How the Cloud Can Double the Profits of a Small Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_smb_cloud_benefits_400.jpgIt’s been proven that the cloud is ideal for improving the way that organizations just like yours are handling their day-to-day operations, bringing both an increase in profits, net growth, and staff productivity. So, naturally, small businesses are moving in the direction of taking advantage of the cloud for their computing needs.

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What are Today’s Consumers Expecting from the Cloud?

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_expectations_400.jpgA few short years ago, it seemed like one of our primary missions was to educate the public on the benefits of cloud computing. Now, almost everyone uses the cloud (whether they fully understand it or not), and, they’ve developed expectations on what the cloud should do. If a cloud service isn’t meeting these expectations, then consumers will find another one that does.

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Which Cloud Computing Model is Right for Your Business?

b2ap3_thumbnail_choosing_which_cloud_is_right_400.jpgMost companies are moving to the cloud in hopes of revolutionizing the way they maintain their mission-critical data and applications. Despite this fact, there are some businesses that don’t know the first thing about cloud computing, or even the different kinds of cloud offerings that can be chosen from.

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3 Benefits Virtual Servers Bring to Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_virtual_server_400.jpgVirtualization is all the rage in the technology world. In fact, virtual servers are practically omnipresent in modern workplaces. Why? Because they offer businesses unprecedented opportunity for growth and development. The benefits of virtualized servers far outweigh the costs, aiding businesses in expanding their goals and visions for the future.

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